⭐️🐶 FTAW Corbinsbere Ricochet 🐶⭐️
Introducing FTAW Corbinsbere Ricochet “Grebe” 🐶⭐️
I couldn’t be any prouder of this little cocker Grebe officially now a Field Trial Award Winner - FTAW Corbinsbere Ricochet, bred, owned and handled by myself at the Dorset Working Spaniel Clubs Novice Cocker trial where she gained a COM. This is my beginning in to trials with our homebred cockers and for us it feels extra special knowing she’s a direct descendant from the very first cocker bitch we bred from and is a third generation Corbinsbere Cocker - how amazing is that! 👏
Dotty “Corbinsbere Rehema” has now produced two FTAW’s from the litter she had with our stud dog Stomp “FTAW Dodging Bullets” first a dog (Corbinsbere Maverick) and now a bitch (Corbinsbere Ricochet) who was handled by me.
I’m over the moon, little Grebe remained as honest as she is, long runs and challenging ground made it all worth while. A great trial in my eyes and most definitely made the cockers work!
Super proud and for the future we hope to keep the bitch line going with Grebe, keeping a girl back in a couple of years time and continue the dream of gaining awards over our Corbinsbere Cockers. ⭐️
